30 July 2021

Design Faults Detected by Fire Safety Engineers

Backed by decades of experience in the Fire Safety sector, the Fire Safety Engineering team at Fahrenheit Global is both professional and highly knowledgeable in their field. With the ability to identify design faults and opportunities for safety improvements without compromising on design aesthetics and building functionality, Fahrenheit Global are renowned for innovation. 
Design faults fall across various elements of any structure. Commonly we see fires spread quickly within buildings due to design flaws, inappropriate selection of building materials and finishes, such as combustible façade cladding, poor builder execution, leaving excessive penetrations between fire compartments, as well as improper Fire Safety protection of structural elements. Lack of inspections and failure to meet safety standards will not only leave your tenants and investors with low confidence, but the structure may also be deemed unoccupiable until safety recommendations have been made. These recommendations can be made and overseen under the guidance of a Fire Safety Engineer with thorough assessments.  
The Fahrenheit Global team of professional Fire Safety Engineers works to achieve premium safety to ensure optimal protection for tenant, asset and environment. Please contact us today to discuss your Fire Safety Engineering requirements. We look forward to helping you plan, rectify, and assess your structure’s fire safety plan from access, design to mitigation processes.